Light in our homes - artificial and natural - has moved beyond its patent purpose. While many of the...

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Light in our homes - artificial and natural - has moved beyond its patent purpose. While many of the...
A true calling sometimes comes later in life; case in point is Barry Connor of Barry Connor Design. ...
The appetite for creating outdoor living rooms to provide families the room to grow and play, no mat...
The Kiwi bach was born in the middle of the 20th century as a symbol of the beach holiday lifestyle ...
The plight of the planet coupled with the widely advocated virtues of medium density housing have ca...
"I think that's bold. The house has got a voice," says Insight Architecture's Matt Hodson. Indeed it...
New Zealand has long enjoyed a love affair with rugged, handsome properties in off the beaten track ...
While a ‘small home’ may have previously carried visual connotations of cramped and uninspiring livi...
Prominent New Zealand architect Roger Walker has some important advice for every New Zealander think...
Located near Oneroa Beach, Waiheke Island, this house designed by Mark McLeay and Mark Callander of ...
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